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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN

(2003 World Peace Prayer Society Report)


The next lines are from the article I wrote and which appeared (in Hungarian language) in the National Periodical of the Romanian Franciscan Tertiare Order, which name is-"Szent Ferenc Nyomdokain," on page nr.8 ; 11-th year of apparition of the Periodical, number 9/September (I'm reproducing below the exact form, translated from Hungarian into English (Hungarian is my second language):



Title: MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH! "Blessed are the peacemakers:for they shall be called the children of God"-Matthew 5:9

On 21 September in many countries the international Day of Peace was held in the hope of a wonderful, peaceful, warless future. These events were for us an opportunity to make peace with ourselves, with the environment, with the people from around us, with the world. Saint Francis recognized the immeasurable value of peace, which is held in the motto: Pax et Bonum! (Peace and Good).

On this day we were invited by Deborah Moldow, the director of the World Peace Prayer Society, to join in the prayer: May Peace Prevail On Earth! Let us pray too for this, from all our hearts!

This periodical is sent to all the countries where there are Franciscan communities, and also some of the periodicals are sent in Hungary too.

So I planned a lot of things for 21 September. I contacted a lot of radio stations, asking them to diffuse about the next message: On 21 September is the International Day of Peace. I'm asking the listeners to join in saying, from all their hearts: May Peace Prevail On Earth! I know there were 2 radio stations which diffused the message:


I contacted more (through internet/email): the Romanian Radio Society, Antena Bucurestilor, the Uniplus Toronto, a Romanian radio club from Seattle, Ottawa etc.

I was assured by the Secretariat of the Jewish Reality, which is the periodical of the Romanian Federation of the Jewish Community, that they joined with us in saying on 21 September: May Peace Prevail On Earth.

I contacted the Vita Catholicus Banatus, a Romanian Roman-Catholic periodical, covering the Banat region (including towns: Timisoara, Resita, Arad, Caransebes...), sending them an article on 21 September, which was printed. It is called Ziua Internationala a Pacii-21 Septembrie. I sent to Glasul Maramuresului also an article.

May Peace Prevail in Romania.
May Peace Prevail on Earth.

Tatomir Ion Marius
WPPS Peace Representative

2003 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation

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May Peace Prevail On Earth