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The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2003 World Peace Prayer Society Report)

IDP Observation Report from Azad (Pakistani) Kashmir

Dr. Zahida Malick at Tolli Peer

On Saturday, September 20, a convoy of thirty-four vehicles, organized by URI CC Islamabad, began driving across Pakistan towards Tolli Peer, the highest peak in Kashmir, to promote interfaith harmony in Pakistan and Kashmir. They were greatly supported in this venture by the government of Azad Kashmir who provided road clearing equipment and support teams to allow them to reach the heights of Tolli Peer, a peak of deep spiritual importance for the region.

A crowd of over two thousand awaited their arrival on Sunday, September 21, and they enjoyed a moving three-hour program of speeches, prayers and songs together. The ceremony concluded with the raising of Pakistani, Kashmiri, URI, and peace flags and the planting of eleven Peace Poles by different peace building groups.

We launched a country-wide peace awareness drive, namely Carnen-e-Aman. This caravan started from URI CC Islamabad Pakistan Office on 20 September 2003 for Tolli Peer, District Rawlkot, Azad Kashmir. The caravan stayed the night at Rawalkot and the next day 34 vehicles traveled toward Tolli Peer. Tolli Peer is one of the highest peaks of Azad Kashmir. The ex-president of Azad Kashmir, Hayat Khan, and Health Minister of Azad Kashmir participated in this event.

The International Day of Peace was observed by the all-religious Talawat (verses from His Holy Books) and one minute of silence after this. The UN, Pakistani, Azad Kashmir, and URI Flags were hoisted at Tolli Peer.

11 Peace Poles were planted at the Tolli Peer heights and all participants sang peace songs, and all religions prayers were observed.

One Peace Pole is planted at Ghorimar in remembrance of the murder of some persons in sectarian violence. Five Peace Poles were planted at Dothan Sharif, and one Peace Pole was planted at Dewan Sharif Azad Kashmir, remembering war killing).

After completing the activities at Azad Kashmir, the caravan went back to Rawalpindi and the participants planted a Peace Pole at Tarria and Gogra Villages with combined prayers.

Our activities are not completed because after the assassination of Mulana Azam Tariq (MNA and leader of extremist Muslim group, namely Lashker-Jhanvi and Sap-e-sahaba), we closed our activities for a short time.

(Touqeer Abbas for)
Dr. Zahida Malik,
Coordinator of URI CC Islamabad and Secretary General of 56 ICAET URI CC ISLAMABAD


Yesterday we celebrated the UN International Day Of Peace 21 September 2003.

  Peace Rally

1 - We started the programme with prayer at 11:30am from the Salvation Army Church with 300 hundred people, including Females & Children.
2 - We started a big PEACE RALLY at
3 - We reached a big street at
11:58am and there at 12:00pm we were all silent for one minute.
4 - We had few speeches about peace and at the end of the rally I told to people the World Peace Prayer Society efforts for the World. Also we informed the peoples about Evening Peace Candlelight Rally and also a Church Pray for Peace with food.
5 - We finished the rally at

  Evening Candlelight Rally for Peace
1 - The rally started with candles and with a Peace Pole and also with a cloth banner at
7:00pm from Khadman-e-Salleb Office.
2 - There were in the rally lot of Muslims, Church Leaders, Organization Leaders, Women’s Leaders and Government Peace Members.
3 – The rally finished in the Salvation Army Church at
4 - We had nice prayers and religious songs and a Message for Peace in Church from
8:05 until 9:00pm.
5 - I thanked the people for this and also told them about The World Peace Prayer Society.
6 - We provided a nice dinner for everyone at

We got a lot of photographs and video tapes about 21st September International Day of Peace.

May Peace Prevail On Earth.
Pastor.Ajmal Chaughtai
Minister of
Christian Life Ministries Pakistan


The Peace Day 21 September was celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm this time in Pakistan, many organizations, Institutions, schools and individual people joined in the effort of propagating the message.

A few activities managed here are as follows:

1- A special program was arranged at a teachers training session being conducted locally. These teachers had come from far-flung areas of Pakistan and represented almost 100 schools, in the North western province of Pakistan. Present at the occasion were officials of ministry of Education Pakistan, personnel from the British Council-Pakistan, members of Rotary club of Islamabad West-RCIW, the chief guest was Brig. R. Noor Hussein, who was the last ADC to our Leader Mohammad Ali Jinnah in 1948.

Right to left :

Rtn. Nsir Javed VP Askari Bank (member RCIW), Mr. Sohail Anwer manger British Council. Rtn. Bashir Mirza (member RCIW), Rtn. Masrur Scheik (member RCIW), Brig. R. Noor Hussein, Mrs Noor Hussein, Rtn Tahira Javed (member RCIW), Rtn. Noreen Mirza (member RCIW and Peace Rep. WPPS Rawaplindi Pakistan)

The teachers put up very moving skits and sung songs for the audience. The last skit particularly displayed the message:” May Peace Prevail on Earth.”           

2- In the morning a rededication at the Peace Pole planted two years ago at a park in the heart of the city was organized by the Rotary club of Islamabad West; some members with their families, and some friends gathered at the park. A young upcoming artist was invited to exhibit his posters on Peace and give a talk on his concept of Peace. After wards all present wrote a peace message on cards and shared their thoughts with others, as a mark of rededication at the pole.

3- At least 10 schools participated by conducting special assemblies, poster competition and exhibitions and the slogan “May Peace Prevail on Earth” was highlighted. In this effort almost 4500 children were involved.

Names of participating schools:

            1. SLS Schools Rawalpindi – five branches

            2. Cantonment public school

            3. Fauji Foundation schools – four branches

The teacher of SLS School writes: “The children presented an assembly program. The backdrop featured “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” The assembly began with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Then teacher explained the concept of Peace day highlighting the important points like, Why is it celebrated?  Who can be responsible for the World Peace? Also establishing that it depends on each one of us. Children dressed in white were shown as peace birds on the stage and they sung the sing “We shall live in Peace…”

4- A local Institution held a special religious ceremony by reciting holy verses and praying for Peace within, and for all humanity.

Dear Ms. Noreen Mirza,

Thanks for your kind email about Peace Day. Here is the report of our activity for peace:

To bring back the peace, love and prosperity in the life of humans around the world, NCC (Nice Community Creators) Pakistan has been arranging Mehfil-e-Darood Sharif every month on first Saturday and third Sunday in NCC Complex, Chungi No.22, Dhamial Road, Rawalpindi Cantt - Pakistan at 10:00 am since 14 August 2002 on regular basis. At
12:30 pm, after the afternoon prayers, 50-70 participants including male, female and children from the local community enjoy lunch and pray together.

This time our Mehfil-e-Darood Sharif was held on the Peace Day, and about 30 ladies, 25 men and 10 children prayed for the Peace in the nice world.

You are welcome at Mehfil along with your friends and relatives next time. The people who are attending this Mehfil are getting peace in their own personal lives and getting rid of sicknesses.

Thanks and regards
Yours sincerely

N. A. Siddiqui, President
NCC Pakistan
P: 0092 - 51 - 55 20 564

5- Rotary Club of Karachi held a special meeting and visited local hospital, specially the children’s ward and distributed sweets. The club reporter writers: “the gleam on the face of the children was so reassuring and the activity gave us an inner peace and satisfaction. We conveyed the message – “May Peace Prevail on Earth. ”

6- Rotary Cub of Metropolitan-Rawalpindi held a special meeting in which they lighted candles and observed silence; later the members shared their views and experiences about peace initiatives. It is noteworthy point that this club has at least fifteen foreign diplomats as members.


Here in Karachi, Pakistan we organized a candle light peace vigil on the International day of Peace on September 21, 2003.  The candlelight vigil was attended by over 50 people, mostly the youth.

This vigil was organized by:

  • Aurangzeb Haneef (Transcend: A network of Peace and Development)
  • Sophia Saifi, Anum Mansuri
  • Currim Suteria (Youth Initiative for Peace)

The Vigil was called to make a statement about countries involved in State terrorism such as:

1    Israel's stance that Arafat must be killed or removed by force

2    India's constant oppression against the people of Kashmir

Transcend and YIP, called a Candlelight Vigil & invited other Peace, Human Rights, Women's Rights & Civic Organizations against such terrorist tactics, which is going to be responsible for destroying all hope of Peace in the region". 

"On International Peace Day we called upon all people around the world to celebrate it by denouncing all non-peaceful & violent actions - be they be by Governments, groups or individuals!!!!!!!!!"

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King Jr.

Thanks and regards,

Aurangzeb Haneef


Report: Peace Walk on International Day of Peace

Greetings in Peace & Love, and Congratulations on World Peace Day!

With the whole world celebrating the International Day of Peace, as announced by Secretary-General of the UN, we congratulated the Secretary-General for this very important initiative. Everybody wants peace in the world and it challenges all communities that, day by day, killing forces are increased because of unjustified violence of injustice. We would request to the UN to play their role to make a peaceful world.

The Peace Walk was organized by World Peace Prayer Society-Lahore, International Peace Bureau-Lahore, The United Religions Initiative Pakistan, Human Friends Organization, Women and Children Development Org, and Tahreek Taraki-e-Insaniat on the International Day of Peace. As the peace activities are taking place around the world to support United Nations, all the people of the world are with them towards the promotion of peace and restoration of human values. It was really a wonderful event where about 200 children and 100 adult participants took an active role.

The children of St. Paul School, who are the part of our CC Education Project, started preparations weeks ago. The school children prepared caps, badges, banners, flags, handbills, and stickers themselves with the guidance of their teachers. Daily they enjoyed preparing the materials with their own contribution and school funds. All the children, of all religions– Christians, Muslims and Hindus–worked together. With joint work of peace preparation, the interfaith mission was promoted specially for Peace and Harmony. Daily the Headmistress of the School & Women’s Coordinator, Madam Rehana, taught them about peace and love and the mission of the United Religions Initiative. The children also shared with their parents; it was also good and positive hearing from the parents.

At 2:30 p.m., the school children with parents, general community and various URI CC members and the Members of Tehreek Taraqe-E-Insaniate CC were gathered at the Fallities Hotel, a prominent place of Lahore City. Meanwhile Maulana Khabeer Azad with other Muslim scholars, Christian pastors and members of the Hindu community joined with us. They were all happy when they saw the innocent children, especially girls, on the road to promote peace in the world. They expressed great tributes to the children and staff for their efforts for such a wonderful event.

The Peace Walk was started at 3:00 p.m. The children were in their colourful uniforms with the badges, wearing caps, waving the Flags of Peace on which they had written:

        1. May Peace Prevail On Earth

        2. We Want Peace

        3. We Condemn Terrorism

        4. We Want Peace & Harmony

        5. Peace & Love is Life

        6. We want rights for education and health

        7. God is Love

        8. Happy International World Peace Day to all the world

        9. Happy Peace Day to the URI Family.

Tehreek members and women were holding the placards and banners on which special slogans of URI and words of peace promotion were endorsed. “May Peace Prevail on Earth” was in English and also in our local language in Urdu. Also:

        1. The URI is a bridge-building organization, not a religion

        2. We respect the sacred wisdom of each religion, spiritual expression and indigenous tradition. (This principle of the URI was written on the banners)

The Peace Walk crossed the Holiday Inn Hotel, Awan-e-Iqbal, Egerton Road, and reached the Press club in 1-1/2 hours. Children kept singing peace songs and poems of the World Peace Day. At the Press Club participants were received by the citizens of Lahore, Pakistan and appreciated. At the closing ceremony, Mr. Yuel Bhatti, Coordinator of Tehreek Taraqe-E-Insaniate CC, in his speech to the gathering and to the press media explained the aim of the Peace Walk. He expressed the URI Charter and efforts for the peace, harmony and reconciliation among the religions. He said that the purpose of the promotion of peace in the world is so necessary for our coming generation for a better life style, economic development, education and in all of life living.

Thereafter Maulana Khabeer Azad led a prayer of the Muslim faith, especially for the URI mission, for peace and harmony, reconciliation in all religions etc. Mr. Younis Khan led a prayer in the Christian faith; he quoted Jesus’ mission, as Jesus is the Prince of Peace and Christianity taught us to respect each other and share each other’s burden, and he offered a blessing for peace, “May Peace Prevail on Earth!” St. Paul School children sang peace songs and lit the peace candle, offering a prayer in chain. At that moment they were also holding the Holy Quran and Holy Bible. The children also distributed flowers and peace badges to the general public.

In the end Maulana Khaber Azad, Pioneer Member of URI, presented Shiled to Madam Rehana for special effort for this great event and awarded special remarks for the children, staff general, and all CCs, i.e. Lahore CC, Women & Children Development and Tehreek Taraqe-E-Insaniate CC. Mr. Yuel Bhatti presented flowers to Maulana Azad. Refreshments of juice and biscuits were served to all the participants. The following day, the news appeared in all the newspapers. 



With Peace and Love,

Yuel Bhatti, Tehreek Taraqe-E-Insaniate CC

Javed Iqbal Gill, URI CC Lahore

Rehanan Paul

Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad


Congratulations on the International Day of Peace!

I would like to inform with great joy that we have just completed one colorful event of World Day of Peace. It took place at the Pastoral Institute Multan, Pakistan on Sunday, 21st September 2003.

The following activities have taken place:

1. Celebration of two Holy Masses for peace around the world. In one Holy Mass Fr. Albert Youhanna was the Main Celebrant and in the other Fr James Channan. The theme of our homilies was the UN's Declaration of the International Day of Peace, as well as challenges to peace and how people all around the world can make it possible. We appreciated the UN announcement for peace and congratulated Mr. Kofi Annan for this day. All hymns in the Holy Mass were on peace. The need to promote among religion was strongly emphasized.

2. Peace Walk was held from the Pastoral Institute Multan with hundreds of people from the Chapel to the office of the Justice and Peace Commission Pakistan, which is two blocks away. There were also representatives of Muslim and Hindu communities. Mr. Riaz Hussain Qureshi, the District Nazi (Commissioner), Sr. Norris Nawab, and Fr. James Channan led the peace walk. Several banners were carried by young people and children with the slogans such as: May peace prevail in Earth, Give peace a chance, Thank you UN for the World Peace Day, We love Peace, Yes to Peace, No to War. Blessed are the Peace Makers. War Kills Human Resources.

3. Two trees have been planted to commemorate this World Day of Prayer and Peace. One tree was planted at the office of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Major Superiors Leadership Conference of Pakistan by the Commissioner Mr. Riaz Qureshi and the other at the Pastoral Institute Multan by Fr. James Channan.

4. Dozens of doves and pigeons were released as a symbol of peace.

5. One minute of silence was observed at 12.00 noon for peace in the world.

The organizations which participated in these events included:

I. United Religions Initiative Pakistan MCC

II. World Peace Prayer Society

III. Pastoral Institute Multan

IV. Justice and Peace Commission of Major Superiors Pakistan

V. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

This is our contribution for peace from Pakistan.

We love peace. People of Pakistan love peace.

May peace prevail on Earth!

May peace prevail in Pakistan!

Fr. James Channan OP

Regional Coordinator URI Asia 

See Appendix for related news item carried by the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCANEWS)

PA4799.1255     September 24, 2003

Priest Calls For Government To Ratify Rights Accords, Forge Peace Treaties

Celebration of World Peace Day 21st September 2003 by Pakistan Council for Social Welfare and Human Rights

According to UN declaration that the Peace Day will be celebrated throughout the world on 21st September, 2003, as a one of active partner with UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW&HR) also observe the peace vigil throughout the Sialkot District using its all resources. The details of activities taken by PCSW&HR for the observation of peace day are as under.  


The PCSW&HR is one of the Non-Governmental registered Organizations working on human rights, minority rights, equality, social justice and durable peace, creation of understanding and harmony among the different creeds,, civilization and communities through the process of social mobilization and community awareness at grassroot levels

This NGO was established at Sialkot in 1992 in order to meet the fundamental rights of citizens.

The Sialkot is one of the multi culture and multi creeds locality of Pakistan in this area approximately half million Christian community enjoy their civil rights with the two and half million Muslims majority and approximately three thousand Hindu population and one Sikh family is also living in this area. In this connection, Sialkot is a model District of Pakistan where the different creeds peoples are living together to create better understanding and harmony with the purpose of jointly protection of basic human rights, equality peace and distribution of social justice and a sustainable social development. 

As one of step to achieve the noble goals of equality, justice, peace, religious harmony the PCSW&HR observed the international peace day with the following steps.

Meeting with Executive District Officer (Education)

Chairman Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori, held a meeting with Executive District Officer Education Department and informed him that Peace Day will be celebrated through out the world including Pakistan on 21st September, 2003 and Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights is coordinating with UN for the celebrating of world peace day at District Sialkot. Worthy Chairman requested Executive District Officer Education for the issuance of a circular to the heads of all institutions working under the jurisdiction of District Sialkot for the celebration of peace day on 20th September, 2003 (due to holiday on 21st September, 2003, Sunday). Executive District Officer Education District Sialkot issued a circular to the all heads of male and female colleges, higher secondary, secondary, elementary, primary and technical schools, and instructed them that special prayers should be arranged on peace day and as well as special lectures on the importance of peace, justice, equality and tolerance with reference to Islamic and others religion’s point of view.

Meeting with District Governor

Chairman PCSW&HR held meeting with District Governor Mian Naeem Javed and informed him regarding the celebration of World Peace Day on 21st September 2003 as per UN decision. Chairman requested District Governor to inform all the UC Nazims, Counselors (Union Council team) for the celebration of world peace at their Union Council level and on that day special prayers should offered for peace especially at Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine.

Meeting with Bishop of Sialkot

Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori Chairman PCSW&HR also held meeting with Bishop of Sialkot for the same above-mentioned purpose and requested him for the celebration of Peace Day. He requested the Bishop to arrange special prayers for peace in their churches, schools etc.

Peace Day Report

As per declaration of UN and by the efforts of PCSW&HR, Peace Day was observed throughout the District Sialkot. At about 2600 educational institutions throughout the Sialkot District, special prayers were offered by the students and teachers for peace throughout the world, especially in Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.  Lectures were also delivered by the teachers to their students on the importance of peace, justice, equality and serving of humanity with reference to religion point of view. About half million students and teachers were actively involved in this activity.

Mr. Arshad Mehmood Bhagoo MP, Bishop of Sialkot Samuel Pervez, Muhammad Ijaz Noori, Emanuel K.Gill and others during the peace ceremony.

For the celebration of Peace Day, a joint ceremony was arranged by the Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights and Sialkot Cathedral School at the premises of Cathedral School Christian Town Sialkot. Chief Guest of this ceremony was Mr. Arshad Mehmood Bhagoo MPA Punjab, whereas the Bishop of Sialkot and the Chairman of National Council Churches in Pakistan The Ret. Rev. Samuel Pervez presided over this ceremony. Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori, Chairman, Mr. Arshad Bhatti Vice Chairman Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights, other personalities and hundreds of students also participated in this ceremony. The ceremony started with recitation from both holy books Quran and Bible. After that Mr. Emanuel K. Gill briefed the audience about the purpose of ceremony. He said that peace day is being observed for the creation of awareness in general public on the importance of peace in a human society according to the religious and cultural values of the Pakistani society, he said that the peace is essential for the sustainable human development and a progressive society, addressing the ceremony Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori said in his speech that peace is need of hour for whole humanity. In these days all world is worry about terrorism and wants peace in the life. He said that terrorists are only terrorists and they have no religion. He further said that values has been changed in the world and now public opinion and unity has made second super power as we saw this against USA during Iraq war. He added that for durable peace we have to unite public opinion from the basic level to the world level.

Principal Govt. Degree College for Women Sialkot Miss Aqeela Hameed, Vice Principle Tabsum Naseer, and Professor Naila Arshad delivering lectures on the importance of peace on Peace Day.  Students are also singing peace songs

During his speech Member of Provincial Assembly and Chief Guest of the ceremony Mr. Arshad Mehmood Bhagoo said that Islam is a religion that teaches us religion, tolerance, peace, justice and welfare of humanity. He said that in Islam there is no room for bloodshed. He further said that according to Islam, murder of one man is the murder of the whole of humanity, and one who save any soul has saved the whole of humanity. He further said that Islam means peace, love, justice, and equality. Mr. Bhagoo said peace is basic need of humanity. We should try and work for the betterment of humanity, protection of human rights with out any prejudice of religion, race and color etc. He said that peace is not only for followers of one religion; peace is needed for the followers of all religions. He further added in his speech that in Pakistan we can end the terrorism, poverty, etc by collective efforts without the discrimination of majority or minority. Without peace we cannot have development. Bishop Samuel Pervez In his speech said that Islam and Christianity are both religions that urge for human development, protection of human rights, peace and tolerance. Therefore, it is the need of the hour that we should struggle collectively for peace, elimination of terrorism, human development and protection of human rights at the grassroots level with out any discrimination. He further said that we can only end world crises like terrorism by the promotion of tolerance.

Mr. Arshad Mehmood Bhagoo MP, Bishop Samuel Pervez, Muhammad Ijaz Noori, Emanuel K. Gill and Arshad Ali Bhatti lighting the candles at the end of peace ceremony.

At the end of the ceremony candles were lighted by the Mr. Arshad Mehmood Bhagoo, Bishop Samuel Pervez, Muhammad Ijaz Noori and others for peace and collective prayer was also offered for durable peace, justice, equality through out the world especially in Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and the South Asia region by the all participants of this ceremony.

Students of Government Muslim High School and teacher offering collective prayer for peace.

The Students of Government Degree College for Women Sialkot offering peace prayer on peace day.

Briefing to Press Media

Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori Chairman Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights along with other Executive members of the NGO also briefed to representatives of all National newspapers regarding the celebration of Peace Day. He requested them to highlight the importance of peace in their articles. About all newspapers published special articles on peace, justice and equality in their special edition with reference to peace.

Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori
Chairman Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights


2003 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation


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May Peace Prevail On Earth