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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2003 World Peace Prayer Society Report)



Planning of the activities to mark and celebrate the day: Peace day (P-day) 2003, began with series of meetings by the mastermind peace alliance which latter on acted as the Joint Action Committee (JACK) headed by the National Co-ordinator of the International Day of Peace project in Nigeria, through special talks, co-opted some other heads of peace-based NGOs who mobilized many other religious bodies to join in the celebration of the day by marking special prayers and “tarry nights” (as some churches called it).

On Thursday, 18th September, 2003, there was a community service activity where some youths helped to dispose refuse and helped some helpless persons to clean up and arrange their homes. It is worthy to mention that this Thursday project was co-ordinated by the Regional Co-ordinator East of IDPV Nigeria (Amb. Sydney Ossai) On Friday, our JAC members, participated in and witnessed an awareness message of peace in Jumat Service at the Rivers State Central Mosque-Temporary Site.

The grand finale of the event came on Sunday 21st September 2003 with an interdenominational church service at the Multi-purpose Hall, School of Midwifery, Rivers State, in which there were the presentations of:

·         Songs of Peace

·         Prayers for Peace

·         Sermon on Peace by a renowned preacher, in addition to the Vicar in charge of Overwhelming Glory Church, Nigeria.

Also presented is the reaffirmation of the Resolution of the UN-GA that gave birth to the IDP. There was an eloquent testimony in support of the International Day of Peace. NGO’s and other groups pledged more concerted support for next year, having been mobilized this time. A heart touching song was rendered by the pupils/students of another school titled: “ Where Have All The Flowers Gone?” 

It was a heart touching song rendered by youths under a solemn atmosphere.

Let this report stimulate more action for peace in the year ahead. Peace is really a process of education.

Yours Sincerely, In Peace

Sydney Ahiakwo Ossai

Regional Co-ordinator, East IDPV Nigeria




By the special grace of God, the occasion commenced by 10.00 am with an opening prayer by the prelate of Mennonite Church Bishop F. A. Udo (JP). The deputy major, Obong (Hon) Ime Atakpa, who was the chairman of the occasion in his address commended the efforts of the WPPS for spearheading this peace course and ask everyone to embrace the divine unction of peace, since no society can develop in an atmosphere of chaos.

I, in my speech, changed mankind to see themselves as promoters of peace and good neighbourhood, not as agents of division and destruction. Pastor Nsongurua Umoette, a Pastor of Trumpet Sound ministry, Port Harcourt, admonished the assembly about God’s covenant with mankind.

Quoting from Isa. 54:9-10 and Matt. 5:9, he said peace-makers are the heroes of the land as they are the only set of peoples that is called children of God. He ended with a hymn from the Revised Church Hymnary 646, “O King of Peace  - give peace again.”

A series of prayer points were led, where Bishop F. A. Udo (JP) prayed for peace in Ukanafun land, Evangelist Emmanuel Udofia prayed for peace in Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Mfon Abang prayed for the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Evangelist Okon Eshiet prayed for the world at large.

As more variety show was a welcome development to the occasion, the pupils of IVI nursery/primary school presented a poem titled “Seek Peace.” Two choral groups, named the Unique Choral Singers and the Inspiration Singers, told of the world’s need for harmonious and peaceful co-existence in their song titled “Peace and Harmony.”

Dr. Iniobong Wilson in his paper, “Searching for Lasting Peace: the African Experience,” stated that lasting peace could only be gotten from God and appealed to human beings to seek God’s peace.  The registrar of the African College of Management Obong Ntak in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area, Mr. Imo Akpanudo, in a paper entitled “The Need for Peace in the Global Community,” said for global peace to be achieved, everybody in the society must be an ambassador of peace.

In order to spread the message “MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH” effectively, an award presentation designed in a desktop Peace Pole pattern was presented to a total of ten persons aforementioned. On behalf of the awardees, the honourable member of Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Hon Saturday Akpan, thanked the World Peace Prayer Society for recognizing their contribution to society and dedicated the award to his late father, who, he said, modeled him along the pathway of peace.

As a marked of memory for such an epoch-making occasion, a Peace Pole was planted in the headquarters by the major, and dedicated to God as a monument for peaceful living in the communities, nations and the world. To end up the opening ceremony activities, many well-meaning citizens who attended the programme shared in the spirit of oneness to support and encourage peaceful relationship, declared wholeheartedly, and urged all organizations and individual to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, through community service projects, cultural exhibits and performances, a moment of silence, and sharing in the universal wish ‘MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH.”

Dr. Macson Udoh, the medical director of Macson clinic, commended WPPS for their humanitarian  services and thanked them for choosing his clinic for such a benevolent gesture and prayed God for a successful hosting of  International Day of Peace in Nigeria.

The programme ended with a church service at township church of Christ Ukanafun  where the minister (Evangelist Okon Eshiet) spoke on a topic “FOLLOWING AFTER THINGS WHICH LEAD FOR PEACE”  quoted from Romans 14:19, 1 Peter 3:11, Matthew 5:9

I am glad our IDP celebration in Nigeria was a great success. Immediately after the planting of the Peace Pole on the opening ceremony on Friday, a rainbow appeared in the sky, which confirmed our prayer energy and that which you prayed for us.

  Patients in the Macson Clinic Join in Prayer

We also visited the hospital to pray with the patients and also present them with some relief materials, such as toilet tissues on a roll, toilet soap, and some token money for their upkeep which the Medical Director received on behalf of the patients.

Finally, at a Church service where all the members of the Peace Day Committee attended, a plastic chair was given to the Church as a mark of the IDP 2003 while every member of the church prayed together for the peace of our world.      

We are grateful to the United Nations for their lofty programmes that touch lives in order to prepare people for good destiny. We are not loosing sight that, they can always enlist us in their prayers and possible support as we are ever ready to carry out their programmes in this part of the globe.

On behalf of the WPPS Nigeria, I thank the Secretary-General of the UN, Dr. Kofi Annan, and all its staff for its leadership, and the President and Chairperson of WPPS and the Goi Peace Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Saionji, for the vision of one world. My kind regards to Peace Reps all over the world for their volunteer services to humanity is their respective regions and beyond. May God in His infinite love and mercy grant us our heart desires and more energy for the task ahead.

May peace prevail in the UN.
May peace prevail in Nigeria
May peace prevail on Earth.
Mojima Etokudo

Nigeria Peace Rep, WPPS


International Day of Peace  Vigil





Sincerely yours in humility for peace and hope,

Mr. Clement Bamigbola,
Coordinator idpvigil network in West Africa


The Children’s Peace Movement International, for the promotion of the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, was inaugurated on the eve of IDP 2003. There was also an Interdenominational Prayer Congress for World Peace. On the day itself, a special church service was held followed by a peace rally and procession around the city of Oyu, the Akwa Ibom State capital, to proclaim, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” A special letter from the children was delivered to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, calling on government to evolve a political culture that is based on transparency, fairness, accountability and the rule of law as a way to promote peaceful co-existence among the diverse ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria.



RELIGIOUS YOUTH SERVICE, Rivers State, held a service for Peace as part of “World Peace through Interreligious Actions and Dialogue,” and other International Day of Peace observances.


2003 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation


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May Peace Prevail On Earth