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Peace Day Book
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by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2003 World Peace Prayer Society Report)


Greetings of Peace. Our commemoration of the International Day of Peace on 21st September went on well, starting at 3:15 pm. It was organized at the Faculty of Medicine Hall, University of Eduardo Mondlane with about 150 people participating. The program, which lasted about two hours, started with songs by the scouts group, prayer, meditation and a minute of silence.

An introduction was given on the significance and purpose of the DAY by the URI MCC member Ms. Marina Costa followed by messages on peace by the Chief Scout, the Secretary General of the Christian Council of Mozambique, the representative of the RENAMO political party, the representative of the Hindu Community, the leadership of the Islamic Council of Mozambique, followed by the Secretary of the Baha'i International Community of Mozambique. The leadership of the City Council of Maputo stressed the need to maintain the relative peace which Mozambique has gained after bloodshed and years of jungle warfare.

The whole program was coordinated by the URI Coordinator for Mozambique Mr. Sabapathy Alagiah. The Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. Prafulta Jaintilal, summarised the various messages and informed that all are invited for the October 2003 Celebration. The vote of thank-you was given and the song “Hosi Katikisa” sung by all present which ended the program on a happy note.

The Movement for Peace in Mozambique, the Inter-Religious Council of Mozambique CC collaborated to make this event a success. The 8:00 pm prime news time showed the event on TV Mozambique, which is watched by all TV owners in the country. We expect a write-up on the event in the National newspapers as the journalists interviewed the organisers of the International Day of Peace marked by the UN.

May Peace Prevail on Earth.

Sabapathy Alagiah
URI Coordinator for Mozambique

2003 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation


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May Peace Prevail On Earth