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The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2003 World Peace Prayer Society Report)


May Peace Prevail on Earth - Yishre Shalom Al Ha'adama - Al Salam Lil'Alam Ajma

Sekai Jinruiga Heiwade Arimasuyouni

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003

Counting 2 days of Peace

(Counting down 363 days in peace until next IDP)

With infinite joy and gratitude I come to you this day, three days ahead of the Hebrew New Year entrance and only couple of days after our beautiful ceremony for the International Day in Peace (IDP) ceremony in Jerusalem.

Almost 70 people came to celebrate together at the Rose Garden opposite the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament in
Jerusalem. Only after choosing the exact ceremony location in the park we realized that it is also very close to the Prime Minister cabinet.  This indication was only additional signal for us of how important this gathering is.

According the Jewish tradition Elul 24 (this year happened on September 21st) is the day when Elohim started the magnificent 'job' of Creation. Also, the month before the New Year and specially on its forth week is special time devoted to make solid soul searching, self preparation for the High Holidays when we ask for forgiveness from our fellows human being. It is claimed that God mercifully forgive only misunderstanding or fault between God and his mankind creation but any disagreement, conflict or fault between man/woman to his/her fellows can be done only by the person him/herself. Such a sacred time! And if that is not enough, on that day, September 21st former world leaders came to participate Shimon Peres’ 80th birthday in Tel Aviv. Peres were the person who signed the IDP UN declaration on behalf of the State of
Israel… Do I need to say more?

So on this very special time many of us came together to dedicate a Peace Pole, pray peace together and for all nations in the most colorful World Peace Prayer Ceremony. Even towards this ceremony we faced some of our daily reality obstacles when friends from Bethlehem (only 20 minutes away from where we were) couldn't join us as they had no permits, also small delegation from Amman was stopped on the way because of not having proper papers… on the other hand we were there Muslims, Christians and Jews all together as the children of the same ONE God, praying each in his/her way but all for the same purpose – may humanity rapidly wake up to recognize the peace all around us. Together while understanding that there is no joy without sadness, no light but the light that rise out of darkness and no hope unless despair, so accepting the peace cannot be divided from the acknowledgment of the pain and suffering. Therefore we light a compassionate & absolution candle, to elevate light for the soul of all conflicts' victims in our region and the world, comfort to the bereaved family which unfortunately growing and for the rapid healing of all soul and body casualties.

The Peace Pole was dedicated especially at this time, to those who put themselves continuously and tired less, devoting life and desire to manifest the peace out of mutual respect. To all peace soldiers using the only weapon they know – unconditional love spouting out of the hearts, to all those that peace is in their heart and determinedly walking on the path until peace prevail on earth. Peace intensity exists in all nations, all societies and so are its seekers.

The Holy Koran says: (Sura 8:611)

"And if they incline to Peace, incline this way also and trust in Allah. Lo he is the Hearer, the Knower."

The Holy Bible says: (Isaiah 2:4)

"Nation will not take up swords against nation, nor will they train for war any more."

Once again, the holy sensation of the harmonious unity of people all over the world coming together with the same desire feels purely Divine. Thank you all for tuning in at the same time and for the same sanctified purpose. Such an honorable privilege to be ONE with you!

I leave you now with my best wishes for the New Year, may we all be fortunate and see our vision come reality and clear to all – NOW! And may we all say YES!

In Oneness and infinite love, joy and gratitude –

Hagit Ra'anan

WPPS Peace Representative

2003 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation


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May Peace Prevail On Earth