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Peace Day Book
is provided

by The People For Peace Project
in service of
The International Day of Peace
NGO Committee at the UN


(2003 World Peace Prayer Society Report)



Un Curso De Milagros Internacional
"Sirviendo a La Humanidad con el Poder Curativo del Amor que Perdo"

A Course in Miracles International hosted a peace vigil in Bogota. The whole event came together miraculously in just a couple of weeks:

First off, we went to work on the stage, sound, flowers, tents, t-shirts, permits, fliers, banners, booklets, brochures, and invitations all of which we ended up getting donated to us.

Our stage was beautiful.... with flowers, Shakira's sound gear (which came with 10 sound engineers and roadies, BIG SOUND!). A huge 16-meter banner that said "Dia Internacionale de la Paz" sponsored by UN, Curso de Milagros and "serving humanity through the healing power of forgiving love" with our logo on it, tons of food and drinks, and the stage came with it's own bouncers and event/stage coordinator who was just awesome!!!! Oh, and 17 tents to put materials, videos, food, t-shirts, etc.

The event was so beautiful and incredible that at some points I just had to pinch myself: Here we were in the middle of a square in downtown Bogota!

So we had a marching band to start with that was a HUGE band and they were phenomenal! Salsa and Sousa... wow! Other music was 3, yes 3 choirs, the singer Lukas who is a real kick, a traditional drum and flute band, a woman named Davey corn singing beautiful ballads, two stars of Colombia, Xiomi, and Anna Sol, who sang songs with a techno flavor.... really good, and then we had a childrens' group sing as well.... and to top it off Brother Alejandro wrote this beautiful song especially for the day, and he and I and a bunch of other artists got up and sang it at the end. It was really spectacular!

In between the music we had different speakers doing prayers from the peace book and readings from the Course in Miracles.

Our speakers were all awesome! And we gave all of them a prayer to read. It was a trip to see the Minister of Defense of Colombia up there reading "My Heart is Beating in the Peace of God" with her whole security entourage everywhere!

We probably had 20 different speakers ranging from the Representative Catholic Priest who read the St. Francis prayer and the Lord's Prayer and was just beautiful. Then came The Rabbi and the Arab representative and they both sang traditional prayers. Lovely! We had native Indians singing peace songs. We had the guys from Sai Baba come and say a prayer and talk and sing... they were beautiful... and then this really amazing woman from the Brahma Kumaris came and did a peace meditation and it was all Light!

At the end six of us got up and read these outrageous passages from the Course as everyone lit candles and stood and prayed for peace. And then we danced....And then and then.......

I love you all and thank you for your help and Light! I LOVE YOU!!!!
John Christenson


2003 World Peace Prayer Society Compilation


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