World Peace Prayer Society Report)
announced some months ago, the "Spiritual Forum of Santiago for Peace"
(CC) organized interfaith prayers for peace in the world on the occasion
of the UN International Day of Peace. This activity took four days.
From Thursday 18 September through Sunday 21, communities belonging
to the various religions and spiritual traditions which are active
in Santiago met in their own places (churches, temples, synagogues,
mosques, etc.) to pray from their own faith for peace in the world,
aware that other communities, built upon other faiths and spiritual
traditions were doing the same in other places of our city, our country
and the world. Prayers for peace were done by Moslems, Jews, Roman
Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Buddhists (fromTibetan and Zen traditions),
Brahma Kumaris, Sikhs, Baha'is, Sufis and Mapuches (indigenous people).
Nevertheless, since this was a decentralized activity, we don´t know
yet how many communities responded to our call among the dominant
religions, which are the Roman Catholics and the Pentecostals.
Monday, September 22nd in the morning, many schools - apparently most
of them linked to the Catholic Church - celebrated with prayers the
International Day of Peace.
Central Ceremony of Interfaith prayers for Peace in the World, carried
out in the evening of Monday 22nd at a huge hall of the Catholic University,
closed this celebration of the International Day of Peace. Forty flags
of countries from different continents brought us in contact with
all the peoples of the world. Representatives from thirteen religions
and spiritual traditions (including Christians, Jews, Moslems, Buddhists,
Sikhs, Sufis, Bahá'ís and Mapuches) seated in a circle at the center
of the hall, surrounded by a multi-religious audience (see pictures).
They prayed one by one, using their own sacred languages, songs and
rituals. At the end of each prayer, a flower was deposited in a flower
vase at the very center of the circle. Thus, at the end of the round
of prayers, a beautiful bouquet of flowers was there, representing
"our unity in diversity." A minute in silence allowed all the people
attending the ceremony to pray simultaneously for peace. The event
ended with all the participants reading in loud voice a Declaration
for Peace in the World and singing for peace.
Dr. Gerardo Gonzalez
Coordinator of the Spiritual Forum of Santiago for Peace (CC)
and Member of URI Global Council
World Peace Prayer Society Compilation

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