World Peace Prayer Society Report)
Of Peace" Multi-Faith/Multicultural Programme, 21 September
home after being part of the "Rhythm of Peace" multi-faith/multicultural
programme at Southbank Piazza 21/09/03, my heart and mind were filled
with gratitude and joy. This joy was generated and radiated from the
faces of the 80+ young flag-bearers, representing countries from five
continental groups: (Africa, Asia, Oceania, Americas, and Europe).
Their smiling faces showed the pleasure they experienced at taking
part in an event of positive significance for the future of our fragile
planet, and they showed hope and dedication and faith in the aim of
men and women of goodwill to cooperate and pray for peace.
At the same time, this aura of joy and hope and oneness was also being
expressed by the harmonious and prayerful tones of the choir, as they
sang "May Peace Prevail in ... (country name of flag presenting);
May Peace Prevail on Earth." And while the flag-bearer stood stage-centre,
the large video screen above showed that country flag for all present
to see in 3m square image.
the flag-bearers had all filed through, and completed their role,
some musicians played some rhythmic music, at which two little girls,
aged about 4-5 years, spontaneously ran out from the audience, and
began doing a charming dance to the rhythm, and as this went on for
about 10-12 minutes, I could not help but be uplifted and feel that
these two girls, dancing so happily, enjoying the music, feeling safe
and full of the joy of living, were actually representing the goal
of the day: May Peace Prevail on Earth. For when we are all at peace,
we will all feel safe to enjoy life in sharing and cooperation as
these little girls were.
Following the music, a multi-faith prayer was shared, led by 18 leaders
of different faiths from the local community, including Society of
Friends, Salvation Army, Buddhists, Muslim, Taoist, Sufi, etc. Some
chanted, recited Sacred Scripture, sang, and rang bells or gongs,
and for the whole time of this prayer ceremony, there was a great
attention and sense of goodness and respect for the sincerity of each
representative of a Faith community. At the conclusion of this, a
Rabbi dedicated a Peace Pole.
I wish to thank very much Mrs. Kerry McCarthy, an Australian Peace
Representative of the World Peace Prayer Society, for inviting me
to join her group of about 12 volunteer/marshals, and also to applaud
her for all the months of work organising and coordinating the flag-bearers,
the march, the choir, the rehearsal the preceding week etc.
Looking back, I will always remember this day as a jewel of great
value in a world of days when news is anything but bright, joyful
and inspiring.
David Francis
(via Kerry McCarthy, WPPS Peace Representative, Australia)
World Peace Prayer Society Compilation

Africa | Asia
| Europe |
North America
| Oceania
| South
America | UN
& Global
Peace Prevail
On Earth