Most Ashkenazi Jews are related. Celebrate our shared heritage and the notable people in Our Jewish Family who have helped shape our world!




Josh O'Connor

Josh O'Connor
(May 20, 1990-)
British actor

Common Ancestors:
Abraham JAFFE (1573-1649) + Zlata KAGAN (1571-1652)

Emily Bunting
Mother of Josh O'Connor

Romola Jane Farquharson 1931-
Mother of Emily Bunting

Nancy Kohnstamm
Mother of Romola Jane Farquharson

Emily Piza 1874-1954
Mother of Nancy Kohnstamm

Bendita Ascoli 1840-1919
Mother of Emily Piza

Betti Brayne Jaffe 1805-1886
Mother of Bendita Ascoli

Bendit Marcus Jaffe 1767-1837
Father of Betti Brayne Jaffe

Mordechai Marcus Lazarus Jaffe 1740-1813
Father of Bendit Marcus Jaffe

Rabbi Eliezer Lazarus Nehemias Joffe 1704-1746
Father of Mordechai Marcus Lazarus Jaffe

Nehemya Lazarus Jaffe 1660-1730
Father of Rabbi Eliezer Lazarus Nehemias Joffe

Jacob Israel Jaffe 1600-1690
Father of Nehemya Lazarus Jaffe

Abraham Jaffe 1573-1649
Father of Jacob Israel Jaffe


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Other Notables in ENTERTAINMENT

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


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