One Day In Peace
by Steve Diamond & Robert Alan Silverstein
Illustrated by Ginger Nielson
Albanian * Arabic * Azeri * Armenian * Chinese * Croatian * Czech * Dutch * English * Finnish * French * German * Hebrew * Italian * Japanese * Norwegian * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish * Swahili * Swedish *
Please print out and distribute in your schools & communities
Perform the ONE DAY IN PEACE Play
story © 1996-2000 Steve Diamond & Robert Alan Silverstein
illustrations © 1997 Ginger Nielson
May Peace Prevail On Earth!
Read more FREE picture books online in the:
PeaceKids Story Center
"WORLD PEACE: The Children's Dream!"
by Cheryl Melody
- a Multicultural Muscial CD/Cassette for the Whole Family,
inspired by the picture book,
Ginger Nielson's WINSTON the Wonderhound Page
Perform the ONE DAY IN PEACE Play
May Peace Prevail On Earth