Heroes for a Better World

Peace Pilgrim
(Mildred Lisette Norman)


birthdate: July 18
Egg Harbor City, New Jersey


"This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love." .

"The way of peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things."

"One little person, giving all of her time to peace, makes news. Many people, giving some of their time, can make history."

"We seem always ready to pay the price for war. Almost gladly we give our time and our treasures - our limbs and even our lives - for war. But we expect to get peace for nothing."

"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others."

"No one can find inner peace except by working, not in a self- centered way, but for the whole human family." .

"World peace will never be stable until enough of us find inner peace to stabilize it."

"There is a criterion by which you can judge whether the thoughts you are thinking and the things you are doing are right for you. The criterion is: Have they brought you inner peace? If they have not, there is something wrong with them -- so keep seeking! If what you do has brought you inner peace, stay with what you believe is right." .

"Be a sweet melody in the great orchestration, instead of a discordant note. The medicine this sick world needs is love. Hatred must be replaced by love, and fear by faith that love will prevail."


Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones, et al

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BetterWorld Heroes are included for illustration purposes. No endorsement implied.

We Can Build A Better World

BetterWorld Shopping Guide
by Ellis Jones

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