Heroes for a Better World

Maya Lin

American sculptor, designed Vietnam War Memorial
Civil Rights Memorial, Peace Chapel at Juniata College

birthdate: October 5
Athens, Ohio


I believe that peace will only come when we learn to live on this planet in a way that allows all other creatures to exist alongside us.

My hope for the future is that we actually come to care more about the future.

Until we have evolved to think not just one generation out, but three or four, or perhaps ten, we will continue to overuse and abuse the Earth’s resources and threaten the very place we call home with irreparable environmental degradation.

My dream, my hope for the future is that we evolve into beings that care about the far distant future. That we evolve to care not just about our own species, but also about the other living creatures with which we share this planet. That will be the ultimate definition of selflessness.

we have to think of peace not just as among our own species but as encompassing all species that live on this planet. We must look at how our activities affect the natural world in which we live.

Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones, et al

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BetterWorld Heroes are included for illustration purposes. No endorsement implied.

We Can Build A Better World

BetterWorld Shopping Guide
by Ellis Jones

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