strategy has overwhelming influence on less healthy choices... if all they have
are stores that sell potato chips and Pepsi then you know you're going to have
problems. The character of social conditions creates what you end up choosing
for your lifestyle. It's not a question of 'am I bad or good' it's a survival
Security for All is a serious, transforming personal and socio-economic effort
and strategy to end poverty in one of this planet's wealthiest nations, the United
States. And, Mr. Hudson's program is not mere wishful thinking or the latest in
science fiction writing. It is a facutally based step-by-step program to end poverty
within the current socio-economic parameters. Is it feasible beyond a reasonable
doubt that the people of the USA could end poverty in a decade or two? For Mr.
Hudson the answer is a resounding "Yes," both manageable and possible. The path
to this human endeavor rests with personal transformation and investing in a very
practical and affirming societal objective.