| Olympe
de Gouges (1748-1793) French
Playwright, Advocate for Women's Rights, Democracy, Abolition of Slavery birthdate:
May 7 birthplace:
France |
de Gouges (born Mary Gouze) is one of the earliest advocates of the modern women's
movement. She was a French playwright and journalist who wrote against slavery,
for democracy and for equal rights for men and women. When the leaders of the
French Revolution demanded equal rights for all men, Olympe de Gouges argued for
equal rights for women, too. Her 1791 publication, Declaration of the Rights
of Woman and the Citizen challenged the conventional thinking that claimed
men were superior to women. She continued to write and speak out for women's rights
and against other injustices until she was arrested for her 'revolutionary' ideas
and sent to the guillotine. Her bravery, outspoken courage and empowering writings
would be an inspiration for many generations who continued the battle for equal
rights for all.