These PeaceKidz believed in a better world for us all.
They started in their homes,
helping make peace in their families, then in their cities and towns,
spreading the word from one person to another.
Some people organized peace
fair and festivals and assemblies. Others planted peace poles that
share the message 'May Peace Prevail On Earth' in many different languages.
Some planted peace gardens. Everywhere people cooperated together
to build bonds of community and bridges of understanding. The campaign
for humanity's first day of peace grew and spread all around the world.
This year, with your help,
September 21 will be the biggest Peace Day ever. Every one of us can
make a difference!
What creative things can
you do to help share the spirit of peace on September 21 ... in your
home, your town, or your country?
Remember, Peace is more
than the absence of war. It is learning to respect ourselves, each
other and the planet we share. And it begins with each of us, ONE
DAY at a time....
May Peace Prevail On Earth