"Has it ever happened before?" asked Kwanza.
"Does anybody even know?"
"I've read a lot of history
books," said Maya, "and all of them seem to be about war -- about
one country conquering another country, or one group of people hurting
another group."
"Yes, and it doesn't
seem to matter what the reasons were," added Wei-Ling, who was, like
the other children, wise beyond her years.
"Well, what can we do
about it?" asked José.
"We're just kids. Who
will listen to us? The adults always act like they know everything,"
Ali said.
"But when was the last
time a kid started a war?" Kwanza asked.
"You're right," said
Maya, "there's nothing in history about a kid starting a war."
"If that's true," Maria
replied, "then maybe kids can get together to bring World Peace! Then
people could work together to make life more fair for everyone."

Day of Peace, September 21
A PeaceKids Adventure
Story © 1996, 2003 Steve Diamond & Robert Alan
Illustrations © 1997 Ginger Nielson
This story may not be copied or transmitted for commercial uses.
the International Day of Peace, September 21 Play
International Day of Peace

Peace Day/ Peace Department
2 PeaceKids books in
purchase English Edition
The People For Peace

May Peace Prevail
On Earth