The kids checked out the International Day of Peace on the Internet and found out that they had been right about it. The General Assembly of the United Nations had passed a Resolution asking the whole world to have a Global Ceasefire and worldwide day of peace in our homes, our communities and between nations on September 21. The kids got to work on their campaign right away.

It started small at first, with the kids talking to some friends at school and in their neighborhoods.

Then it spread to another school, and then another. More and more people were talking about "The International Day of Peace on September 21," and what they could do to celebrate it and make the Global Ceasefire happen.



International Day of Peace, September 21
A PeaceKids Adventure

Story © 1996, 2003 Steve Diamond & Robert Alan
Illustrations © 1997 Ginger Nielson
This story may not be copied or transmitted for commercial uses.

Perform the International Day of Peace, September 21 Play

International Day of Peace

Peace Day/ Peace Department
2 PeaceKids books in 1!

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