Be a Hero for a Better World

National Women's Hall of Fame
Seneca Falls, New York

The National Women's Hall of Fame was established in 1969 in Seneca Falls, New York, the birthplace of women's rights in America. In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and 300 other women held the first Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls and adopted a Declaration of Sentiments, which was modeled after the Declaration of Independence. This document included the demand for women to have the right to vote. It took 72 years of struggles by courageous women and men, but finally in 1920 women won the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment. The Hall is a permanent exhibit that honors the achievements in many fields that great American women have made. Some of these women are listed here, for a complete list -

(BetterWorld Heroes is not associated with The National Women's Hall of Fame - BetterWorld Hero portraits are provided for illustration purposes only - no endorsement is implied)

Ella Baker

Clara Barton

Pearl S. Buck

Betty Bumpers

© The BetterWorld Project. May be distributed for non-commercial uses only.
BetterWorld Heroes are included for illustration purposes. No endorsement implied.


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Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones, et al

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We Can Build A Better World

BetterWorld Shopping Guide
by Ellis Jones

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