End Racism Quotes

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"If parents snicker at racial and gender jokes, another generation will pass on the poison adults still have not had the courage to snuff out.

If you as parents cut corners, your children will too. If you lie, they will too. If you spend all your money on yourselves and tithe no portion of it for charities, colleges, churches, synagogues, and civic causes, your children won't either. And if parents snicker at racial and gender jokes, another generation will pass on the poison adults still have not had the courage to snuff out.
-- Marian Wright Edelman

We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power.
-- Jane Elliot

We are still conditioning people in this country and, indeed, all over the globe to the myth of white superiority. We are constantly being told that we don't have racism in this country anymore, but most of the people who are saying that are white. White people think it isn't happening because it isn't happening to them.
-- Jane Elliot

The fight for freedom is combined with the fight for equality, and we must realize that this is the fight for America - not just black America but all America.
-- James Farmer

To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska and being against snow.
--William Faulkner

“I am going to stop calling you a white man and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.”
-- Morgan Freeman

...violence is destroying us. You know, we’re seeing violence growing every day in our streets, in our homes, in our towns, in our cities, in the world itself. Everywhere we turn, we see violence and hate and prejudice and anger and all of these negative emotions that are destroying humanity. And we have to wake up and take note of this and try to change our course, so that we can create a world of peace and harmony where future generations can live happily together.
-- Arun Gandhi

“Whatever community organization, whether it's a women's organization, or fighting for racial justice … you will get satisfaction out of doing something to give back to the community that you never get in any other way.”
-- Ruth Bader Ginsburg

If we talk about the environment, for example, we have to talk about environmental racism - about the fact that kids in South Central Los Angeles have a third of the lung capacity of kids in Santa Monica.
-- Danny Glover

"We often think of peace as the absence of war; that if the powerful countries would reduce their arsenals, we could have peace. But if we look deeply into the weapons, we see our own minds - our prejudices, fears, and ignorance. Even if we transported all the bombs to the moon, the roots of war and the reasons for bombs would still be here, in our hearts and minds, and sooner or later we would make new bombs. Seek to become more aware of what causes anger and separation, and what overcomes them. Root out the violence in your life, and learn to live compassionately and mindfully."
-- Thich Nhat Hanh

"While the legal, material, and even superficial requirements to eradicate racism are well known, its psychological and more deeply spiritual requirements have been persistently neglected-namely, the oneness of the human family. It is this principle of oneness that needs to be the driving force behind the struggle of uniting the races."
--Sara Harrington

“As long as you hate, there will be people to hate.”
-- George Harrison

We talk of regional conflicts, of economic and social crises, of political instability, of abuses of human rights, of racism, religious intolerance, inequalities between rich and poor, hunger, over-population, under-development and. I could go on and on. Each and every one of these impediments to humanity’s pursuit of well-being are also among the root causes of refugee problems.
-- Poul Hartling

Prejudice is the child of ignorance.
-- William Hazlitt

"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason."
-- Abraham Joshua Heschel

I swear to the Lord
I still can't see
Why Democracy means
Everybody but me.
-- Langston Hughes

Let America be America, where equality is in the air we breathe.
-- Langston Hughes

The ugliness of bigotry stands in direct contradiction to the very meaning of America.
-- Hubert Humphrey

When we're unemployed, we're called lazy; when the whites are unemployed it's called a depression.
-- Jesse Jackson

if whites would vote their economic interests, not their racial fears, we the people who have the most need for change have the power to bring about that change nonviolently.
-- Jesse Jackson

Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"A rattlesnake, if cornered will become so angry it will bite itself. That is exactly what the harboring of hate and resentment against others is - a biting of oneself. We think we are harming others in holding these spites and hates, but the deeper harm is to ourselves."
-- E. Stanley Jones

End Racism Quotes

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End Racism Day - March 21


Portraits for illustration purposes - no endorsement implied.
Thanks to Anukul Gurung for the fairy image of Emily
Thanks to Fletcher Grayson/Gray Media for creating The Emily Fund logo

All FREE printable materials © Robert Alan Silverstein unless otherwise noted.
May be distributed freely for non-commercial uses only.

StopDateViolence.org is a project of We, The World, Inc. a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. It is not associated with The Emily Fund or The National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline