The Wall
bowed, then got up and walked from the cave. His
head was spinning with a thousand questions that
sounded like they came from a thousand voices. He
stopped by a pond at the side of the mountain, and
after taking a long drink, stared down at his reflection.
Just then the keys dropped from his belt and splashed
into the water. Ripples danced across to the other
end. He could not see his reflection. When the water
finally settled he saw instead a wall stretching
out in both directions. He was on one side, and
there was a girl on the other. She was searching,
just as he was. And although the wall separated
them, they were headed in the same direction. Up
ahead he saw the end of the wall. He smiled as he
realized that he would soon find her. And when they
met at last, their journey together will have only
just begun.
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& illustrations © 1981-2013 Robert Alan Silverstein