Educate for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy;
2. Counter the Adverse Effects
of Globalization;
3. Advance the Sustainable and Equitable Use of Environmental
4. Eradicate Colonialism and Neocolonialism;
5. Eliminate
Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Gender Intolerance;
6. Promote Gender Justice;
7. Protect and Respect Children and Youth;
8. Promote International
Democracy and Just Global Governance;
9. Proclaim Active Non-Violence;
10. Eliminate Communal Violence at the Local Level;
11. Enlist World Religions
in Transforming the Culture of Violence into a Culture of Peace and Justice;
12. Advance the Global Campaign for the Establishment of the International Criminal
Court; >
13. Encourage Close Cooperation Between the Converging Fields of
International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law;
14. Reinforce Support for
the International Criminal Tribunals;
15. Enforce Universal Jurisdiction
for Universal Crimes: Building Upon the Pinochet Precedent;
16. Reform and
Expand the Role of the International Court of Justice in the Context of a More
Comprehensive System of Global Justice;
17. Strengthen Protection of and
Provide Reparation for the Victims of Armed Conflict;
18. End Violence Against
Women in Times of Armed Conflict;
19. Stop the Use of Child Soldiers;
20. Help Victims to Hold Abusers Accountable Under International Humanitarian
and Human Rights Law;
21. Protect Human Rights Defenders, Humanitarian Workers
and Whistleblowers;
22. Train Grassroots Organisations to Use National, Regional
and International Mechanisms in the Enforcement of International Law;
Promote Increased Public Knowledge, Teaching and Understanding of International
Humanitarian and Human Rights Law;
24. Integrate Human Rights Protections
into Conflict Prevention, Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction;
Build Upon the Successes and Failures of Truth Commissions and Political Amnesties;
26. Establish a Universal and Effective System of Habeas Corpus;
Subject Warmaking to Democratic Controls;
28. Strengthen Local Capacities;
29. Strengthen the United Nations' Capacity to Maintain Peace;
30. Prioritise
Early Warning and Early Response;
31. Promote the Training of Civilian Peace
32. Refine the Use of Sanctions;
33. Strengthen Mechanisms
for Humanitarian Intervention;
34. Engender Peace Building;
35. Empower
Young People;
36. Support Unrepresented Peoples' Right to Self-Determination;
37. Strengthen Coalition-Building Between Civil Society Organisations;
38. Strengthen Regional and Sub-Regional Capacities for Peace;
39. Mainstream
Multi-Track Diplomacy;
40. Utilise the Media as a Proactive Tool for Peacebuilding;
41. Promote the Conflict Impact of Policies;
42. Implement a Global
Action Plan to Prevent War;
43. Demilitarize the Global Economy by Reducing
Military Budgets and Shifting Resources Toward Human Security Programs;
Negotiate and Ratify an International Treaty to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons;
45. Prevent Proliferation and Use of Conventional Weapons, Including Light Weapons,
Small Arms and Guns and Safeguard Personal Security;
46. Ratify and Implement
the Landmine Ban Treaty;
47. Prevent the Development and Use of New Weapons
and New Military Technologies, Including a Ban on Depleted Uranium and the Deployment
of Weapons in Space;
48. Encourage Universal Adherence To and Implementation
Of the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention;
49. Hold States and Corporations Accountable for the Impact of Military Production,
Testing and Use on the Environment and Health; and
50. Build a Civil Society
Movement for the Abolition of War.
of these objectives is spelled out in some detail at http://www.haguepeace.org/index.php?name=agenda_english